digital art vocabulary quiz answers 2021 2022

The Learning Network has been through many iterations in its 23-year history, but there’s one feature that has always been part of our offerings: our Word of the Day.

During the 2021-22 school year, we made those words the foundation for a series of activities designed to help students go deeper into thinking about language than ever before. We invited them to learn new vocabulary and, via art, writing, storytelling, quizzes, video-making and more, have creative fun putting it to use.

Art Vocabulary Exercise - Digital Art Vocabulary Quiz Answers 2021 2022

Although our challenges have ended, these activities are evergreen. Tell us how you might use or adapt them by leaving a comment or writing to LNFeedback@.

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The Linda Lindas, a Los Angeles band of teens (and a tween). Related Article | Related Vocabulary QuizCredit... Krista Schlueter for The New York Times

Nearly a year after they broke out with a viral video of “Racist, Sexist Boy, ” an original song they performed at a Los Angeles public library, the Linda Lindas are, to their own shock, quickly _________ rock’s new feminist front.

This question is drawn from one of this year’s weekly interactive Vocabulary in Context quizzes. Each takes the first several paragraphs of a teen-friendly New York Times article, drops out words, offers choices for the blanks, and gives more usage information about the correct answer. Each quiz then ends with a reading comprehension question that asks students, which short summary would you say best captures what the piece is about?

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When you read the newspaper, do you ever come across words that are unfamiliar to you? How often do you stop and look them up?

At the beginning of the 2021-22 school year, we challenged students to comb The Times for a word they didn’t know — and learn it well enough to work it into their everyday vocabulary.

Nicholas Wu, a student at Hunter College High School in New York City, came across the unfamiliar word luminaries while listening to a Times podcast. Before looking it up, he tried to figure out its meaning by making connections to other things he’d heard:

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Toward the end of an episode of “The Daily” titled “The United States v. Elizabeth Holmes, ” I heard the word “luminaries” used to describe certain Silicon Valley investors. I immediately thought of the “Harry Potter” flashlight spell “lumos, ” a word whose bright connotations were startling to me when used in a dark podcast episode about fraud and dishonesty. I learned that a “luminary” is a figure who inspires and guides other people, much like the lumos spell itself.

Vocabulary Test About ART Choose The Right Answer MCQ Exercise 175 - Digital Art Vocabulary Quiz Answers 2021 2022

Other students who tried this challenge discovered words including torrent, relish, reinvigorated and lampooning in Times articles. Find out what strategies they used for figuring out their meanings by reading this post.

The Vocabulary Video Contest is one of our most beloved annual traditions. All students have to do is create a piece that is no more than 15 seconds long, and that defines or teaches a Word of the Day. This year’s challenge — our ninth — resulted in these 13 clever videos, one of which you can see above.

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And to enjoy even more, check out this compilation of 60 winning videos from years past, organized by part of speech. In less time than it takes to watch a sitcom episode, you can practice words you might already know, like

Our recurring “Write a Story” challenge invited students to write a 50-word story inspired by — and including — several of an individual month’s Words of the Day.

Strategies For Teaching Vocabulary With The New York Times - Digital Art Vocabulary Quiz Answers 2021 2022

Mi Nguyen, a student at Silver Creek High School in San Jose, Calif., used four vocabulary words published in February in her story about a captive princess:

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After days of METICULOUS prepping and planning, the lost princess was ready to escape her captor and the crumbling old EDIFICE where she had been locked away for the past 18 years. Her LUMINOUS BROACH caught the moonlight as a tear streaked down her cheek; she was finally going home.

You can use the instructions from the November, January, March, and May challenges to try this yourself, drawing from the large bank of vocabulary words we publish throughout the school year.

You may not be able to find this word in the dictionary — yet. It was created by 16-year-old Rohana Khattak for our Invent a Word challenge, then used, fittingly, as our April 1 Word of the Day.

Vocabulary Quiz - Digital Art Vocabulary Quiz Answers 2021 2022

Everyday Vocabulary Art Test

The challenge began with a lesson plan about @NYT_first_said, a Twitter bot that tweets new words as they appear in The Times. Then, students submitted their own new words — words they could imagine appearing in The Times to fill a gap in the English language.

Twenty-four of our favorites captured, among other things, the ways teenagers are navigating the coronavirus pandemic; the complexities of life online; and the existential challenges faced by their generation.

Naturalists often record their discoveries about nature in field notes. For example, a field note about fire ants might catalog where they are found, what they look like, how common they are and how they interact with other animals.

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Borrowing a Reader Idea from the teacher and writer Rebekah O’Dell, we asked, what if we did the same for words? In April we challenged students to illustrate and explore the meaning of one of our Words of the Day via a one-page field note. Above, you can see just one of the winning results, and you can find many more here.

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