digital art sunrise sunset song meaning

digital art sunrise sunset song meaning

A truly spectacular sunrise or sunset is one of Nature’s greatest achievements. Jay Griffiths explores our timeless desire to capture them in words, music and paint.

That the sun will rise: this is the most predictable thing we know on Earth. The timings, angles and degrees of its course have an utter precision and the sun, unlike humans, cannot misfit its time or place as it runs in unswerving service to the offices of its hours.

Sunrise, Sunset' - Digital Art Sunrise Sunset Song Meaning

And yet the occasions of its rising or setting – affected particularly by cloud formations – are unpredictable. A splendour of wildness writes its signature across the skies; it eclipses its own strictures into a world of sheer imagination.

Sunrise, Sunset (a Singable Picture Book!)

Twice a day, we all become pre-Copernican. The sun ‘rises’ and ‘goes down’ we say, as if language refuses to relinquish the intense experience of the senses and we cannot believe it is otherwise. In the unfurling moments of daybreak or dusk, the senses are extra-sensitive and artists, poets and musicians seem compelled to respond.

In what A. E. Housman called the ‘valiant air of dawn’, the sky becomes a painting; rose is both colour and verb.

Day breathes in. Colour surges forward – lilac, crimson, orange and tawny – and sunrise is as eager as the opening radiance of a daisy, whose name comes from the sun, the ‘day’s eye’.

Amazing Sunset Quotes That Prove How Beautiful The World Is

Painting depicts sunrise or sunset, restoring it to sight with diligent brilliance. William Ascroft, painter of sunsets in the 1880s, suggested an almost secretarial role, saying he ‘could only secure in a kind of chromatic shorthand the heart of the effect’.

If painting describes, then literature must translate it from light to word, from colour to thought. However, music, perhaps beyond any other art, must re-create its soul-meaning right in the heart of the listener; the composer must play creator.

Haydn’s Sunrise string quartet (1796–7), although not consciously intended to allude to dawn, earns its appellation from the quickening, ascending phrases growing in voice, variation and volume, as the very word ‘crescendo’ is from crescere, to grow. The music opens sky-wide and yet is as intimate as a garden, all life wakening to warmth, and suggests everything that the sun shines on: the creation, indeed.

Sunset Orange Color Story, Sublime Color To Energize And Ease Your Mind

In Nielsen’s Helios Overture (1903), the music describes the sun itself, how, out of darkness, it swings up – clear, singular and pure – a huge gong of gold.

Elsewhere, in Grieg’s Morning Mood, the music shows the sunrise within the human spirit, the peerless, daybright melody glinting like sun on water as Peer Gynt is in the sunrise of his life, the happy-go-lucky folk-tale hero setting out into his own dawn.

Both immense in size and ephemeral in time, part of the appeal of sunrise or sunset is its very transience – the work of artists is to trace its vanishing resplendence as it races across a fugitive sky.

SUNRISE: Wish To Enjoy A Spectacular Sunrise, Sunset? We'll Tell You Where To Go - Digital Art Sunrise Sunset Song Meaning

Drawing Of Bright Sunset Sunrise Over The Sea Stock Photo

In Monet’s work, this fleetingness hints of loss, a sadness for a world always on the point of disappearing. In many of his pictures, even Le Soleil Levant, even as he tried to paint the rising orange sun his eyes were drawn ineluctably to the blues. As Robert Frost wrote: ‘So dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay.’

The crimson-and-yellow sunset of San Giorgio Maggiore at Dusk accorded Monet one gasp of rapture – colour, he said, was his ‘obsession, joy and torment’ – that could never last: the possibility of light is barred by the fact of dark.

Un petit voyage en Italie avec ce beau tableau inspiré de Monet #evjf #parisien #parisianlife #culturalappropriation #tourisminparis #evg #parisjetaime #monet #parismonamour #soireediy #soireeautop #soireedefolie #artiste #visitparis #different #amusements #funinparis A post shared by OuiPaint (@ouipaint) on Jun 26, 2017 at 5:05am PDT

If A Picture Could Be Either Sunrise Or Sunset, What Determines How You See It?

Every scrap of sunlight speaks in a streak of flaming language, as if van Gogh can’t help but hear the ‘instress’, as his contemporary the poet Gerard Manley Hopkins termed it – the impulse that carries the exact impression of a particular thing.

Van Gogh painted as if he were the yellow and the gold: in Sower with the Setting Sun, the huge sun cradles the hand of the sower in its generous arc and both are comprehended by the painter, hand-rounded in reckless empathy.

 - Digital Art Sunrise Sunset Song Meaning

Would it be true to say that composers, in their creations, favour sunrise and artists, desperate to depict it before it fades, tend to favour sunset? Perhaps the visual dexterity of colour and its generally greater complexity at sunset offers a greater depth to a painter’s eye. Few of them achieve its complex representation as J. M. W. Turner did, letting light stream like liquid thought, each colour lustrous and backlit by an intensity of gold.

The Seven Colours Beautiful Sunrise In Sunflower Field Landscape Painting Canvas Abstract Modern Wall Art Decor

In Sun Setting Over a Lake (1840), gold seems more than a paint – it seems to become the precious metal. The Lake, Petworth: Sunset, a Stag Drinking (1829) rings out a peal of bells for its world of sky, lake, trees and swans, which can become once more – for just one gilded moment – the Age of Gold. Turner produced those sunsets. Those sunsets also produced Turner – but why those ones?

In 1815, Mount Tambora in Indonesia erupted, casting fragments into the atmosphere and causing spectacular sunsets for some years across the world. This volcanic eruption intensified the very subject of Turner’s work: light and colour itself. The ash caused dark days across Europe as Byron’s poem Darkness attests and created the Year Without a Summer of 1816, which, in turn, caused widespread crop failure and starvation. Only in 1819 were there good harvests again and a true warmth in the sun, which Keats evoked in Ode to Autumn, written in that year.

The eruption of Krakatoa in 1883 caused sunsets that were almost apocalyptic, with ‘clouds like blood and tongues of fire’, wrote Edvard Munch. The eruption made the loudest sound ever recorded on Earth, heard across almost a tenth of the planet. ‘I felt a great, unending scream piercing through nature, ’ Munch continued – he made that howling dissonance visible in The Scream.

Did You Know: Our Fastest Sunsets (sunrises) Happen During The Equinox?

Ascroft, meanwhile, painted the sunsets over Chelsea in the years after Krakatoa as if in astounded disbelief at the sky-theatre – more than 500 of his paintings were exhibited as a meteorological record at the Science Museum. Those sunsets were also meticulously observed in a series of articles by Manley Hopkins, poetry in prose, noting the mallow, lilac and sand, the ‘livid green’ and ‘frowning brown’. They were published in the science journal Nature and were, together with a few minor poems, the only work he had published before his death.

Jerry Bock - Digital Art Sunrise Sunset Song Meaning

Sunset is, in Old English, sunnansetlgong, suggesting the going down of the sun that settles itself into evening. ‘It is a beauteous evening, calm and free, ’ wrote Wordsworth. And the day breathes out. The sunset settles birds, colours, children and flowers; the daisy closes with the setting sun, the glorious little commoner rhyming itself – from its yellow centre and petal-rays of light – with the cosmic divinity of the sun.

In the sunset of his own life, Turner’s last words were said to be: ‘The Sun is God.’ Walt Whitman wrote of sunset as ‘corroborating forever the triumph of things’. Sunset can elicit a depth-charge of soul-values, the cadence of evening harmonies, a softening decrescendo – a quieted credo of tranquillity.

A Composer's Prayers For The Earth, And Humanity, In The Age Of Climate Change

The Tate's Salisbury Cathedral from the Meadows, first exhibited 1831 by John Constable Credit: Salisbury Cathedral from the Meadows exhibited 1831 by John Constable - copyright: TateAlso known as ‘The Roof of Thailand’, Doi Inthanon National Park tends to be on every nature enthusiast’s list who visits Thailand to explore nature in its bounty. Located in Chiang Mai province, the summit of Doi Inthanon National Park is popular for its great views. Waterfalls and some fun-to-try nature trails along with two chedis (stupas) that are dedicated to the king and queen are all visited here by travellers and locals. The summit viewpoint that faces East is ideal to watch the sunrise. Many also throng here to watch sunset as well with the the two chedis that face West. One of seasonal attractions Siamese sakura flowers (blooming in Jan and February) also attracts bird watchers.

LET YOUR LOVE SOAR: Black Sea coastal range is a chosen location by many adventurous couples. In the early morning hours, the pre-wedding photography shoot begins to capture the golden glow of the sun as the hot air balloons rise in the sky making it a perfect backdrop!

There are some handy tips if you are keen to watch the sunrise at Angkor Wat complex. To begin with, you must wake up very early to get to the temples for a good spot (The gates to the temple open at 5 am). However, for sunrise watchers, travellers who have been here say that an entry ticket should be bought a day earlier to avoid last-minute hassles. Remember to respect the traditions of the Cambodians by wearing an outfit that covers your shoulders and knees. Sunset is best viewed at Angkor Thom.

Sunrise, Sunset” - Digital Art Sunrise Sunset Song Meaning

Santa Fe Klan: Latin Artist On The Rise

SAY A LI’L PRAYER: Watch a beautiful sunset over ancient moat in background. Mysterious

digital art inspo meaningful beauty supply list

digital art inspo meaningful beauty supply list

Selling artwork to earn passive income in the form of digital products or resources is a growing attraction for many designers and artists.

It’s not a new concept though. Royalty free image libraries for example, have been going for decades. But things have changed since then. Dramatically. Now artists have more control over their work and how they sell it.

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But given the relatively new nature of the digital product boom means it can be difficult to find information about the ins and outs of earning “passive” income. I’m often asked by other designers and artist who want to start selling online, “what should I sell”, “where should I sell”, and the most common “can I make a living from it?”.

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So I decided to write an honest article answering some of those questions and give you the pros and cons about selling artwork online in the form of digital resources or print-on-demand (POD) products.

It’s not a step by step guide that will take you through how to open a shop and upload your artwork. But rather it’s an article on my first-hand experience at selling digital products online as passive income, including the good, the bad and the ugly. And trust me, there’s a fair amount of ugly!

I’ll be focusing on selling illustration-type products, but most of the insights and tips below will apply to just about any online digital product. So grab a cup of coffee, I have a lot to say on the subject which I hope you’ll find useful!

Nature In Art: Detailed Discussion Of Nature Inspired Art And Artists — Art Is Fun

So many artists make the mistake of not identifying their customer. I know I know, we hate having to think about marketing stuff! But if you think about it, without a market you don’t have a business.

You don’t have to go deep into the boring stuff, just get a clear idea (and be clear, it’s important trust me), on who your target customer is and focus on their needs, wants and likes.

Don’t aim to please all the online buying customers, because you won’t no matter how hard you try. But rather aim to please the customer base you think is best suited to your style and type of products you love creating.

How To Use Colors In Marketing And Advertising

If you don’t know what you love creating yet, then by all means experiment. But at some point you’ll need to buckle down and focus on creating products for a particular customer.

Maybe you love painting watercolour flowers, so your market could be designers who create wedding stationery. And possibly crafting customers who love dabbling and creating projects like cards, invites, etc. Creating lovely floral watercolour graphics suited for these projects would be perfect for this market.

Or perhaps you love designing logos. You could create pre-made logo templates and sell it to customers who are new business owners with a tight budget or designers who need a quick logo for a client.

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So you see, knowing your customer basically tells you what you should be selling! Do some research. Find out what your ideal customer needs, wants and likes.

The short answer is, you don’t! Every time I invest time and resources into creating a product, I have no guarantee that it will sell. But what I do have is experience in my customers’ wants, needs or likes. You don’t have to solve all three of these areas in the same product.

My genuine aim every time I create a product is to help my customers with their own work or projects by creating resources they will find useful and love using. Plus I don’t create work I don’t love creating myself. For me that defeats the whole purpose, and I believe people can pick up on your intention behind what you create. If you don’t love it, no one else will.

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And the last, but very important tip I can offer regarding the success of a product is, be unique. Just because you saw another artist’s product do well, doesn’t mean by creating something similar, or worse identical, will mean success for you. I don’t believe that’s a sustainable business model. You’ll build a following much quicker and stand out a lot more if you focus on creating unique goods in your own style.

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Make an effort to come up with your own concepts instead of piggy backing off others. Do you want to lead or follow? That’s the number one marketing strategy you can apply to fast track your success.

You could upload a few products, sit back and wait for a few sales to trickle in. But that’s the thing, it will be a trickle. The chances of you having success with little to no effort on your part are very slim.

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To give you an idea, I ran my own graphic design business which was quite successful. I earned a good living doing that. It only took a year of proper, dedicated focus on my online business to quit my graphic design work and focus full time on illustrating and selling digital products.

Essentially I started earning the same income as my graphic design business selling digital goods by the end of that year. But be warned, it took huge commitment, sacrifice and serious hard work.

Think about it, if you’re a one man show as a graphic designer selling your services, your entire business relies on you, the service provider.

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Your earning potential is directly related to how many hours you work. But selling online allows you to scale up without the need for more staff. Because you’re creating something once, and selling it over and over, possibly forever, your earning potential increases hugely.

You’re not relying on what you can achieve in an hour anymore, you’re relying on your product to earn you income long after you created it.

How To Look At Art (and Have A Perception Altering Experience) - Digital Art Inspo Meaningful Beauty Supply List

Many people believe that having a “passive income” business means you barely have to work to earn a living. How hard can it be? It’s called “passive” for a reason, right?

How To Look At Art (and Have A Perception Altering Experience)

Well this may shatter all your dreams of earning a fortune for doing nothing. I’m afraid the only passive part about passive income is the automated sales. “Exactly!” You might be thinking.

Yes it’s true, you do earn while you sleep. But to get it to a point where you’re earning enough while you’re in deep slumber, takes a lot of hard graft which is the opposite of passive!

And when you’re awake, you’re basically working all the time. Ok, that’s not entirely true. But essentially I work 7 days a week. Some days longer than others.

Fun Ways To Experiment With Digital Drawing

There isn’t a day that goes by that I haven’t attended to something related to my business. Whether it’s answering emails, attending to customer support queries, writing a blog post, researching trends, preparing product files, creating product preview images, etc. it’s all related to building a successful “passive” income. And this of course excludes the main part of the business, which is creating products.

How much you put into all the above areas of your business is entirely up to you. That’s the beauty of being your own boss. But as I’ve mentioned several times already, effort = outcome.

One of the concepts you might struggle with when first starting out is, you’re essentially selling work for as little as $10 that took you weeks to create and prepare. This can be difficult to wrap your head around.

 - Digital Art Inspo Meaningful Beauty Supply List

Top 50 Art Exhibitions Of 2022

But it’s a business model used by many successful companies. Your earnings come from selling the same low priced item over and over to hundreds, and hopefully, thousands of customers. Given that, it may take a while to make money back for the time you put in.

But once you’ve reached that point, anything earned after that is profit. And it can continue to give you returns for years to come if your product has longevity and isn’t too trend driven.

It’s becoming increasingly competitive to sell digital products. Customers have more and more choices, plus they’re constantly bombarded by really cheap, all-in-one bundles that seem too good to be true. The sad thing is, sometimes they are. Often quality is compromised when products are churned out so they can be bundled and sold for a song. This kind of business strategy can work, but it’s one that I chose not to follow early on in my online business.

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I made a conscious decision to not try and compete with the mass, super-low priced products, but rather concentrate on creating quality over quantity and focus on building my own unique style and use that to help me stand out.

I feel undercharging for your work in the hopes of attracting more sales will be damaging to your business in the long run.

Do you want to be seen as the cheap clipart store? Or the quality, unique digital resource artist? It also damages the overall perception of this industry and the value of art. It creates a “race to the bottom” culture among designers and artists which is counter productive for all of us.

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It is a bit of a balancing act between charging too little for what your work is worth, versus charging too much which could turn customers away. But as your confidence

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digital art vocabulary quiz answers 2021 2022

digital art vocabulary quiz answers 2021 2022

The Learning Network has been through many iterations in its 23-year history, but there’s one feature that has always been part of our offerings: our Word of the Day.

During the 2021-22 school year, we made those words the foundation for a series of activities designed to help students go deeper into thinking about language than ever before. We invited them to learn new vocabulary and, via art, writing, storytelling, quizzes, video-making and more, have creative fun putting it to use.

Art Vocabulary Exercise - Digital Art Vocabulary Quiz Answers 2021 2022

Although our challenges have ended, these activities are evergreen. Tell us how you might use or adapt them by leaving a comment or writing to LNFeedback@.

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The Linda Lindas, a Los Angeles band of teens (and a tween). Related Article | Related Vocabulary QuizCredit... Krista Schlueter for The New York Times

Nearly a year after they broke out with a viral video of “Racist, Sexist Boy, ” an original song they performed at a Los Angeles public library, the Linda Lindas are, to their own shock, quickly _________ rock’s new feminist front.

This question is drawn from one of this year’s weekly interactive Vocabulary in Context quizzes. Each takes the first several paragraphs of a teen-friendly New York Times article, drops out words, offers choices for the blanks, and gives more usage information about the correct answer. Each quiz then ends with a reading comprehension question that asks students, which short summary would you say best captures what the piece is about?

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When you read the newspaper, do you ever come across words that are unfamiliar to you? How often do you stop and look them up?

At the beginning of the 2021-22 school year, we challenged students to comb The Times for a word they didn’t know — and learn it well enough to work it into their everyday vocabulary.

Nicholas Wu, a student at Hunter College High School in New York City, came across the unfamiliar word luminaries while listening to a Times podcast. Before looking it up, he tried to figure out its meaning by making connections to other things he’d heard:

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Toward the end of an episode of “The Daily” titled “The United States v. Elizabeth Holmes, ” I heard the word “luminaries” used to describe certain Silicon Valley investors. I immediately thought of the “Harry Potter” flashlight spell “lumos, ” a word whose bright connotations were startling to me when used in a dark podcast episode about fraud and dishonesty. I learned that a “luminary” is a figure who inspires and guides other people, much like the lumos spell itself.

Vocabulary Test About ART Choose The Right Answer MCQ Exercise 175 - Digital Art Vocabulary Quiz Answers 2021 2022

Other students who tried this challenge discovered words including torrent, relish, reinvigorated and lampooning in Times articles. Find out what strategies they used for figuring out their meanings by reading this post.

The Vocabulary Video Contest is one of our most beloved annual traditions. All students have to do is create a piece that is no more than 15 seconds long, and that defines or teaches a Word of the Day. This year’s challenge — our ninth — resulted in these 13 clever videos, one of which you can see above.

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And to enjoy even more, check out this compilation of 60 winning videos from years past, organized by part of speech. In less time than it takes to watch a sitcom episode, you can practice words you might already know, like

Our recurring “Write a Story” challenge invited students to write a 50-word story inspired by — and including — several of an individual month’s Words of the Day.

Strategies For Teaching Vocabulary With The New York Times - Digital Art Vocabulary Quiz Answers 2021 2022

Mi Nguyen, a student at Silver Creek High School in San Jose, Calif., used four vocabulary words published in February in her story about a captive princess:

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After days of METICULOUS prepping and planning, the lost princess was ready to escape her captor and the crumbling old EDIFICE where she had been locked away for the past 18 years. Her LUMINOUS BROACH caught the moonlight as a tear streaked down her cheek; she was finally going home.

You can use the instructions from the November, January, March, and May challenges to try this yourself, drawing from the large bank of vocabulary words we publish throughout the school year.

You may not be able to find this word in the dictionary — yet. It was created by 16-year-old Rohana Khattak for our Invent a Word challenge, then used, fittingly, as our April 1 Word of the Day.

Vocabulary Quiz - Digital Art Vocabulary Quiz Answers 2021 2022

Everyday Vocabulary Art Test

The challenge began with a lesson plan about @NYT_first_said, a Twitter bot that tweets new words as they appear in The Times. Then, students submitted their own new words — words they could imagine appearing in The Times to fill a gap in the English language.

Twenty-four of our favorites captured, among other things, the ways teenagers are navigating the coronavirus pandemic; the complexities of life online; and the existential challenges faced by their generation.

Naturalists often record their discoveries about nature in field notes. For example, a field note about fire ants might catalog where they are found, what they look like, how common they are and how they interact with other animals.

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Borrowing a Reader Idea from the teacher and writer Rebekah O’Dell, we asked, what if we did the same for words? In April we challenged students to illustrate and explore the meaning of one of our Words of the Day via a one-page field note. Above, you can see just one of the winning results, and you can find many more here.

Vocabulary About Technology For IELTS Speaking - Digital Art Vocabulary Quiz Answers 2021 2022

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The complete bundleofdetailed video courses by Zenja Gammer, winner of the Good Design Award 2021. Everything you need to start creating digital art. Are you ready to be the next Photoshop master?

Floating Bear You’ll create this awesome magical artwork of a bear floating on a tree trunk that looks just like a painting.

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Portrait Wall Art In this module you will be creating this creative portrait of a lion taking a dive. You will work on lighting, details and colors.

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Surreal Wildlife You'll be learning how to use multiple photos to create surreal artworks. Something that you could see in Disney movies!

Mastering Light Effects We’ll dive a little deeper into lighting. We’ll be creating light effects from scratch, they can give a real magical vibe to your artwork.

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Ultimate Lighting Technique In this module we’ll be diving into the skill of lighting. You’ll learn how to create and edit realistic lighting.

Wolf & Butterfly In this module you'll learn how to create a simple but effective concept of a wolf and a glowing butterfly.

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Bonus: Matte Painting As a bonus I have put together this matte painting course. This will be a real test of your Photoshop skills that you have learned.

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I’m confident that you’ll thoroughly enjoy this course. If for some reason you’re not satisfied, no worries, just let me know within 7 days and i’ll give you back 100% of your money.

If you ever feel stuck in Photoshop, use my written step-by-step Photoshop guide to get crystal clear on what step is next.

There is also aguide on how I find perfect photos&brushes (for free) and a list of ideas to inspire you. In the monetization guide i'll cover how you sell your artworks, how to approach stores(or create your own) &the best way to price your art.

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I want you to have the best possible experience in Photoshop, so I’ll help you with all your art related work. Just send me an email once you’ve finished the courses and I’ll answer all your burning questions live in a 15-minute coaching call.

If you need feedback with your design work after the courses, don't hesitate to reach out to me. I'll give you actionable advice. This way you'll get the critical second opinion.

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Learn to create digital art in Photoshop with15+ detailed video courses. Made for beginners to get started and find their way through the world of digital art.

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At 15 years old, I installed Photoshop on my computer, not realizing I was about to be hooked. From there, I embarked upon a career path after earning a degree as a visual designer in Amsterdam. Today, I am a full-time visual designer and Photoshopeducatorand I enjoy creating digital art featuring animals.

Ihave reachedmore than 5000 students with myPhotoshop training videos. I always had the passion to teach others the skills I have learned over all these years. After using Photoshop for almost 20 years, I finally felt comfortable teaching others.

Since 2018I also started with creating daily artwork in Photoshop and uploading these to my Instagrampage (@zenzdesign), whichhas grown over 60Kfollowers. Today I have created more than 500 artworks and I still love sharing my creations with the world and now I am here to teach others to do the same and enjoy every step of it!

You get lifetime access to all the courses in the bundle. This means that you can watch the courses whenever you want.

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MANILA, Philippines – It seems that AI-generated art is the latest tech boogeyman spooking people these days, and for good reason. When an artificial intelligence program can create, within minutes, an aesthetically pleasing digital painting based on a few simple text prompts, it will certainly lead to questions about the “genuineness” or “legitimacy” of a work of art, and about the fate of living, breathing human beings whose livelihoods depend on artistic skills.

Case in point, an AI-generated image recently bested man-made entries at the Colorado State Fair, and it caused an uproar among many artists who felt that the win was unfair. Jason Allen, the flesh-and-bone entity who submitted the work, defended himself by saying he was completely transparent about using AI program Midjourney for the piece.

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This question – and a ton of other questions – have been on the team’s minds lately, so we decided to ask Filipinos from the art world and creative industries for their feelings about AI-generated art, and here’s what they had to say:

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For creative director Emil Mercado, it is the efficiency of artificial intelligence that might cause the most harm, as it could very well exploit an already toxic industry.

“There is much anxiety rather than excitement for this shiny new tool among artists and designers, since the creatives industry is problematic enough as it is, ” he said. “Much of creative work is undervalued, uncredited, copied, or outright stolen. We hear stories of freelance artists racing to the bottom for the price of their work just to clinch a job, only to find out that they need to copy a work of a more established artist/designer. Plus, you have to do three to four studies with unlimited revisions. And then when you finally deliver the piece, it will take months before you get paid. Imagine juggling three to four projects like that trying to eke out a living, only to learn that you’re no longer needed because AI can do it instead.”

“From the client’s perspective, why would they go to the trouble of hiring an artist?” he continued. “They can be difficult to talk to, temperamental, can’t understand instructions, aren’t able to meet the deadline, etc. But with AI, they just punch in the prompt words and they can have results in less than a minute. No more back-and-forth for a period of several weeks, and best of all, it’s cheap. This couldalso meanletting go of in-house artists and design studios. No overhead costs. No benefits. Nothing.”

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“If it was the client who provided the artist with a description of an image, does that mean it’s the client who made the artwork?” he asked.

Edoria also fears that the new technology will lead to a new class of less creative work – “prompt artists, prompt engineers…prompters” – and that artists may end up working as prompters instead to stay employed.

“You spend years learning and honing your craft, but then someone else just types in a few words and can get the same (or better) results even without any prior training, ” she said. “I understand this can be a hypocritical take, especially as an animator where tech is so heavily used and has already automated a lot of processes in the field. Where traditional animators once dominated in certain techniques, technology has already gotten to the point that certain movements can be simulated or generated through software. So, I’m hoping that’s also what AI will end up as – that instead of being used as a tool by clients to fast-track certain projects, it can be a way for creatives to build on their own concepts and ideas.”

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“The technology will still end up being monopolized by the elite, ” she posited. “This is evident given that the more decent AI programs are still locked behind a paywall. It’s history repeating itself – ‘democratization’ was also the driving force behind cryptocurrency and NFTs. Proponents of AI wanted banking systems run by people, and art auctions accessible by any artists online.”

For illustrator and photographer Julian Cirineo, such AI programs make creation easier, but they do not necessarily cancel out the human behind the controls – and may in fact even empower less-skilled people.

“It’s similar to the arguments over digital art. If you created art, say, through an iPad using pre-programmed brushes, are you really practicing ‘art’ if you didn’t learn the traditional way? The answer, in my opinion, is yes, you still created art. You’re the one holding the pen(cil) after all, ” he argued.

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“What if this becomes a way for those who are more creatively challenged to start turning their visions into reality?” he added. “Sure, it becomes a shortcut, but I don’t think that affects other artists directly, just the one who relied on AI himself.”

“As long as it serves the purpose of setting an idea, or as a guide, and is not used to replace a ‘real, created photograph, '” he qualified.

“I’ve tried out AI art generation, but most of the time I’m not satisfied with the pieces that come out of my prompts, ” he confessed. “I learned that you have to provide a ton of specific descriptions for it to work better, and if that’s the case, then I feel that it would still be better if I just drew my ideas myself. For me, the point of art-making isn’t just the final artwork, but it’s also the process itself. That’s what I enjoy about it, so I doubt that AI art generation is for me.”

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“There are qualities in comics-making that AI-generated images can’t replicate (at least at the moment)— clarity, consistency, and (for lack of a better term) a human touch…. It’s a tool at the endof the day. In the past, I find that if I lean too hard on my tools, the art ends up looking stiff and soulless, no matter how good the execution.”

“Trite as it may sound, the actual human artist, no matter how poorly they can render a hand (like me all the time) or how poorly they can string up words (like me sometimes) still imparts character and soul and complexity in the work that no AI, no matter how precise, will ever be able to do, until it gains sentience to correct itself and to make mistakes – not because it learned it from the terrabytes of data it processed for rendering, but because it learned to have its own tastes and opinions and biases from all the drawing and writing it’s been doing.”

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Visual artist Juan Alcazaren even compared AI art to TVP – textured vegetable protein, which vegans use as a meat substitute: “You’re full but not satisfied, and there’s a strange aftertaste.”

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“Besides, stealing ideas from other artists and passing them off as your own is strictly a human artist’s job, ” he added cheekily.

Finally, art writer Alice Sarmiento feels that “too much currency is placed on classical forms of artistic production, ” and that she finds the development of the technology “fascinating.”

“I find it incredibly interesting that the sheer abundance of images uploaded to the web can be aggregated, and it also opens our eyes to the other techniques borne of this form of image generation: like what the coders and researchers behind the software need to teach the bots in order to prevent dystopian situations. As a writer, I also find the work that goes into writing the prompts necessary to generate these images very fascinating, but the biggest challenge this poses to art critics and curators is how to write about these works. It’s really a matter of understanding that these images are formed from different sets of materials which cannot be easily dismissed just because they’re deemed ‘artificial.'”

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Marguerite Alcazaren de Leon heads ’s Life and Style, Entertainment, and Opinion sections. She has been with since 2013, and also served as its social media producer for six years. She is also a fictionist.Exacting use of materials. Robots that can produce new materials from waste glass and concrete. Ambitious structural forms, designed and realised cost effectively and with little waste.

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The tools and techniques that we now call ‘digital fabrication’ are enabling us to approach the production of the built environment in far more efficient ways than ever, transforming traditional processes and providing new design possibilities. It’s an ethos with beneficial implications for the entire design, engineering and construction process, bringing designers, engineers, clients and constructors into closer collaborations.

In traditional design we tend to overuse materials – largely for reasons of construction cost and simplicity. By shifting construction to factories, using modular prefabrication or even robotics, we can be more precise in the use of materials, using elements that assemble more efficiently.

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Emissions caused by concrete production, anything that reduces the need for additional pouring could improve sustainability in the sector. Fortunately, as a process, digital fabrication enables designers to look creatively at already-used resources like concrete and glass as potentially reusable materials.

We have designed processes where buildings are sliced into concrete strips, compressed, then digitally cut into precise parts for a